Felicia Ballos spent years in New York City as a dancer and choreographer, studying with numerous teachers investigating the body from different modalities. Most notably she spent time with Min Tanaka at the Body Weather Farm, connecting the rhythms of the body with the cycles of nature and growing food; with The Trisha Brown Co., dropping into gravity through the plumb lines of our geometries; with Master Alan Lee, learning the discipline and rigor of Shaolin kung fu; and with Daria Fain, who brought qigong into her practice, swirling the cosmos into the anatomy.

After moving to Beacon, Felicia turned her focus from the outward expression of performance to studying the internal arts of the North American Tang Shou Tao Association. Under Emily Morrison, Ballos completed an apprenticeship learning JIn Shou Tui Na and cranial sacral therapy and is now a resident with Valley Spirit Acupuncture.

Ballos is a mother to two children plus many animals, a gardener, a beginning beekeeper, and a practitioner of medicine that facilitates others to unwind into their own healing.

Please contact us directly if you’re interested in booking with Felicia and we’ll get you on her schedule when she has availability!