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Full Moon Shamanic Reiki Hearth Circle

Full Moon Shamanic Reiki Hearth Circle

with Alison Joliceour

Saturday, 7/20 I 7 - 9 pm I $20

The Full Moon in Capricorn July 2024 shines a spotlight on power issues, bringing out issues in government, corporations, and institutions. Issues of inequality, elitism, and power over the people will be highlighted.  With Pluto in Aquarius, the emphasis is on the future,  the shift of power back to the people, humanitarianism, and the old world to the new. The opportunity here is to step into our power.  We are being called to recognize the guru within, our personal, spiritual authority, and to master the frequency of love, joy, peace, and compassion, from the inside, and out. 

The HEARTH Circle is a sacred gathering, where we connect to our hearts and the Earth.

This is a Community Healing Circle open to all. The evening includes Meditation, Sharing, Hands-On Reiki Healing, Shamanic Journeying, and a Sonic Gong Bath. The Circle will be led by Alison Jolicoeur, Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher. Dive deep into the essence of who you are and connect - Body, Heart, Earth!

Alison Jolicoeur, Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher,  guides you to restore your life-force energy, experience a state of vibrational healing, and align with your highest self and your life's purpose.  She creates a safe space, and her heart-centered approach allows for deep relaxation and healing to occur.  To learn more visit:

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