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Full Moon Shamanic Reiki Hearth Circle

Full Moon Shamanic Reiki Hearth Circle

with Alison Joliceour

Saturday, 8/17 I 7 - 9 pm I $20


The HEARTH Circle is a sacred gathering, where we connect to our hearts and the Earth.

This is a Community Healing Circle open to all. The evening includes Meditation, Sharing, Hands-On Reiki Healing, Shamanic Journeying, and a Sonic Gong Bath. The Circle will be led by Alison Jolicoeur, Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher. Dive deep into the essence of who you are and connect - Body, Heart, Earth!

With Mars in Gemini, the energy will remain intense and fast moving this August. Events and information are coming in at record speed. We are in a period of accelerated evolution. As old systems continue to fall away, the new is simultaneously emerging. The old system encouraged us to defer to external power and authority. Now, as part of our spiritual evolution, we have an opportunity to become more sovereign in our being and to step fully into our power as co-creators.

This can be challenging, especially if our personal energy is scattered, pulled in a million different directions, and distracted by the latest happenings. We can know that a lot IS happening, while consciously connecting with our breath and our hearts. From that place of centeredness, we can choose to stop giving our power away and master our domain.

Rather than allowing everything coming in from out there to disrupt our frequency, we can change the dial, choose a higher frequency, and let that vibration ripple out. That frequency is magnified when we come together in a group. With our hearts connected, we can support each other to hold the higher frequencies of gratitude, love, and peace.

Our thoughts and feelings today are creating our tomorrow. It's up to us to weave the tapestry of what our hearts truly desire.

The August Full Moon continues to clarify what needs to be shed, making way for the new! It is a time of completion and harvest, illumination and reflection.

Alison Jolicoeur, Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher,  guides you to restore your life-force energy, experience a state of vibrational healing, and align with your highest self and your life's purpose.  She creates a safe space, and her heart-centered approach allows for deep relaxation and healing to occur.  To learn more visit:

August 17

Shamanic Journeys - Connecting to Your Inner Wisdom with Mitzy Clementina

August 22

Embracing the Earth Phase - Group Acupuncture & Qigong Circle