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Full Moon Shamanic Reiki Hearth Circle

Full Moon Shamanic Reiki Hearth Circle

with Alison Joliceour

Saturday, 9/21 I 7 - 9 pm I $20


The HEARTH Circle is a sacred gathering, where we connect to our hearts and the Earth.

This is a Community Healing Circle open to all. The evening includes Meditation, Sharing, Hands-On Reiki Healing, Shamanic Journeying, and a Sonic Gong Bath. The Circle will be led by Alison Jolicoeur, Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher. Dive deep into the essence of who you are and connect - Body, Heart, Earth!

Old world, top-down structures may feel magnified, as Pluto falls into the final degree of Capricorn on September 2nd, but astrologically they are hollowing out.  Pluto will do the job of clearing away what no longer serves us within these old Capricornian structures.  The inequality, corruption, and illegitimacy of the old system will be revealed and cleared out.    It's the end of the age for these old top-down structures, and it's the last time Pluto will be in Capricorn for 230 years. 

On the same day, Uranus moves stationary retrograde.  This rebellious and revolutionary energy will unveil lies and illusion, erupting truth to light.  This signifies a time of radical, fundamental, and permanent change, endings and beginnings, death and rebirth.  With the New Moon Sept 2-3 and the Fall Equinox approaching, it is a powerful time to set your intention to release what no longer serves you, like a snake shedding its skin, so you can move fully into this new paradigm. 

Come November, Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 20 years, ultimately guiding humanity into a more horizontal socio-economic-political structure.  Can you see it?  Can you feel it?  We can use our creative life-force energy to see, sense, and feel the world we want to create.  Envision people coming together all around the world, growing food together, creating networks, sharing resources, inspiring new technologies, and expanding healing modalities.  Imagine people connecting energetically to create a grid of love, reverberating the quantum field, to birth a more heart-centered world full of abundance, and compassion for every sentient being.  We are the ones that shape the energies at play. 

Reveal it, feel it, heal it. 

Alison Jolicoeur, Shamanic Reiki Master Teacher,  guides you to restore your life-force energy, experience a state of vibrational healing, and align with your highest self and your life's purpose.  She creates a safe space, and her heart-centered approach allows for deep relaxation and healing to occur.  To learn more visit:

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