Valley Spirit Apprenticeship Program

The Valley Spirit Apprenticeship Program offers a comprehensive hands-on learning experience in a lineage-based practice of Chinese Medicine and Internal Boxing under the guidance of Lead Practitioner Emily Morrison, LAc, and Senior Intern Felicia Ballos. This program emphasizes experiential learning and knowledge acquisition through practical application. Regardless of background, financial means, or professional status, our program aims to make learning accessible to all who are passionate about holistic medicine.

Apprentices enter the program with varying degrees of experience and background knowledge, and our goal is to meet each apprentice where they are, supporting their individual interests and goals while maintaining the necessary structure of the program. Whether apprentices are new to Chinese Medicine or seasoned practitioners, our mentors provide personalized guidance to ensure a fulfilling learning experience.

The internal boxing component of the program is an essential piece in learning how to perform our specialized style of bodywork safely and effectively. However, the focus is not on fighting, belts, or trophies, but rather on qi cultivation, posture/body mechanics, internal power, self-empowerment, and gaining a deeper understanding of the mechanics of the human body. Through gongfu practice, apprentices develop heightened awareness, sensitivity, and control, enhancing their effectiveness as bodyworkers and healers.

This unique program does not provide the pathway for licensure in Massage Therapy or Acupuncture; instead, it empowers individuals to provide care for their friends and family, while also equipping practitioners with deeper knowledge and additional skills to enrich their practice. Through a combination of clinical observation, hands-on practice, and mentorship, apprentices develop the skills necessary to effectively treat patients, run a clinic, and cultivate their own artistic expression through health and well-being.

While our program does not currently offer licensure pathways, we aspire to evolve over time, potentially offering CEUs to practitioners and becoming an accredited school for students seeking licensure in Massage Therapy in the state of NY. Beyond these practical considerations, our deeper aim is to democratize access to medicine, creating a community where members can support one another and embark on a journey of self-empowerment and self-exploration. Through this program, we strive to cultivate a deeper awareness of oneself and others, ultimately fostering healing and well-being within our communities.

Program Outline

Throughout the apprenticeship program, apprentices will engage in three integrated learning components that occur simultaneously, weaving together various aspects of Chinese Medicine and Internal Boxing.

Clinical Practice and Observation:

Apprentices will actively participate in the clinical setting from the beginning of the program. They will observe, shadow, and assist the lead practitioner in patient care, clinic setup, and management. Clinical practice will provide apprentices with direct exposure to applying Chinese Medicine principles and bodywork techniques in real-world settings.

Hands-on Skill Development:

Hands-on skill development will be an ongoing process throughout the apprenticeship. Apprentices will engage in practical sessions to learn bodywork techniques such as Tuina, Craniosacral Therapy, Cupping, Guasha, and Moxibustion. They will refine their skills in conducting thorough intakes, chart notes, and treatment planning, as well as herbal therapy preparation.

Mentorship and Integration:

Mentorship and integration are integral aspects of the apprenticeship program. Apprentices will receive ongoing guidance and mentorship from lead practitioner Emily Morrison, LAc, and Senior Intern Felicia Ballos. Mentorship sessions will focus on patient treatment, clinic operations, personal development, and the integration of theoretical knowledge with practical application. Opportunities for additional education through classes and workshops will complement hands-on learning and provide a holistic understanding of Chinese Medicine and Internal Boxing. 

Apprenticeship Commitment, Requirements &Additional Benefits


Students are expected to commit to the Valley Spirit Apprenticeship Program for a minimum of six months. This commitment ensures a consistent and dedicated approach to learning and allows students to fully immerse themselves in the program's teachings and practices.


- Attendance at a minimum of one clinic shift per week offers invaluable hands-on learning and observation opportunities. Clinic shifts are held on Mondays and Tuesdays, with the possibility of additional shifts on Thursdays. The clinic shifts begin at 9 am with qigong practice, setting a mindful tone for the day's activities, and typically conclude between 3 pm and 6 pm, depending on the day's workload.

- Participation in the weekly Gongfu class offers practical exercise and training in essential body mechanics necessary for safe and effective practice of Tuina and other bodywork techniques. These classes not only contribute to personal development but also provide opportunities for community engagement. Students can connect with peers, share experiences, and build supportive relationships within the program. The tentative schedule for this class is Thursdays 6-8pm. The fee for the class is included in the program. 

Additional Apprentice Benefits: 

- Access to all Qigong classes (Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays at 9am)

- 50% discount on monthly workshops taught by Emily Morrison, LAc, providing additional education and training opportunities.

-15% off all clinical treatments with Emily & Felicia (to be scheduled outside of the apprentice’s clinic shift).

- 15% discount on all herbal products and infra-red sauna sessions.

- Mentorship with lead practitioner Emily Morrison, LAc, and Senior Intern Felicia Ballos, offering guidance and support throughout the apprenticeship journey.

Exchange: Red Envelope 

The traditional red envelope, known as "hóngbāo" in Mandarin or "lai see" in Cantonese, holds deep cultural significance in many Asian countries. It is commonly associated with auspicious occasions such as weddings, birthdays, and holidays, but it also plays a vital role in expressing gratitude, respect, and appreciation.

In the context of education and mentorship, the red envelope serves as a tangible symbol of the student's appreciation for the teacher's guidance, wisdom, and expertise. It represents a gesture of respect and gratitude, acknowledging the invaluable knowledge and support provided by the teacher throughout the learning journey.

In American culture, the concept of giving gifts or tokens of appreciation to mentors and educators is familiar. The red envelope embodies this sentiment, offering a meaningful way for students to express their thanks and honor the cultural tradition of showing respect to teachers.

While the tradition of the red envelope may be rooted in Asian culture, its essence transcends borders, resonating with the universal values of appreciation, reciprocity, and mutual respect between student and teacher.

In our program, we honor this cultural tradition by applying the concept of the red envelope to our payment model. The estimated monetary value of the program, set at $1000 per month, serves as a guideline for students. However, recognizing that financial circumstances vary, we offer a flexible payment model based on the traditional Red Envelope concept. Students are encouraged to pay what they can afford, aligning their contribution with the perceived value of the program and their financial means. To facilitate this process, red envelopes will be collected at the start of each month of apprenticeship. Work trade opportunities are also available for those who wish to contribute more than they can financially offer. 

This approach ensures accessibility to all individuals, regardless of their financial situation, while also reflecting our commitment to making education and healing practices available to everyone. Just as the red envelope embodies the values of appreciation, reciprocity, and mutual respect between student and teacher, our program aims to foster a supportive learning environment where students can express gratitude for the knowledge and support they receive while embarking on their journey of growth and self-discovery.